Scammers are getting increasingly sophisticated in their attempts to get your money or personal details. Scams target people of all backgrounds. Scams succeed because they look like the real thing and catch you off guard when you’re not expecting it.
MIDF is aware that there are communication scams (examples include email, social media, phone calls, and text messaging) impersonating us with the explicit intention of deceiving, scamming, or phishing personal and financial information.
We advise our customers to refrain from clicking on any suspicious links or revealing any personal information without verifying the source prior.
For security purposes, MIDF will not do the following:
If you suspect that you are being targeted or have received such form of communication scams, please alert us at immediately. At MIDF, we value our customers and we treat your security seriously.
For further information on scams and how to prevent them, please refer to the following links:
For security purposes, MIDF will not do the following:
If you suspect that you are being targeted or have received such form of communication scams, please alert us at immediately. At MIDF, we value our customers and we treat your security seriously.
If you suspect that you are being targeted or have received such form of communication scams, please alert us at immediately.